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近日,密克罗尼西亚联邦常驻联合国代表吉姆·利普韦(Jeem Lippwe)在《联合国气候变化框架公约》第二十九次缔约方大会(COP29)期间接受中新网采访时表示,中国通过《国际零碳岛屿合作倡议》等实际行动,切实帮助岛屿国家应对气候变化带来的挑战。这一倡议针对小岛屿国家面临的问题,提供了切实的解决方案。(陈天浩 林勐男)

During an exclusive interview with China News Network at the 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) held in Baku Azerbaijan, Jeem S. Lippwe, Permanent Representative of the Federated States of Micronesia to the United Nations said that China’s initiative really addresses the issues that small islands are facing.

“That is one good example of this partnership that we need,” Lippwe praised. (Chen Tianhao, Lin Mengnan)